
Community Supporters

Chi miigwetch, maarsii, nia:wen, thank you to all of our community supporters.

First off, we would like to thank those who are providing us with free meeting space at this time:

  • St James Anglican Church, Gravenhurst
  • Salvation Army Bracebridge Community Church, Bracebridge
  • Aspdin Community Hall, Huntsville
  • Huntsville Public Library, Huntsville
  • Ryde Co-op Community Centre, Ryde

Having locations to call home and provide safe meeting places is vital in our healing journey.

Tall Pines Music Festival

We are happy to be partnering with Tall Pines in 2024. We will have an information booth on location. As well, you will be able to purchase local Indigenous artisans creations. Come out and show your support as we work to bring programs and services to improve the quality of life for the urban Indigenous people in Muskoka.

July 19-20, 2024 at Gull Lake Park, 405 Brock Street, Gravenhurst

Walk With A Soft Moccasin–2024

This is an initiative which will build upon leather working and beading skills. Leading to an Indigenous community members specific final workshop of handcrafting their own pair of moccasins.

A total of 11 workshops will be offered region wide in 2024.

We are so happy to have the Anglican Foundation of Canada financially supporting this very healing initiative. Maarsii, Miigwetch, Nia:wen, Thank You for your support:

Community Enhancement Initiative 2023

Thanks to support from the District Municipality of Muskoka we are looking at providing:

  • 50+ community meals
  • 75 workshops
  • Mental Health Supports
  • and more

to the communities of: Gravenhurst, Ryde, Bracebridge, and Huntsville.

Bringing the Ceremony Alive–2023

Thanks to a generous grant from the Anglican Foundation of Canada we are providing a variety of Indigenous specific cultural healing events. Including:

  • Hand Drum Making Workshop
  • Drum Birthing Ceremony
  • Drum Bag Making
  • Ribbon Skirt Making

Pay It Forward Grant 2021 and 2022

The District of Muskoka has been an instrumental supporter of the Muskoka Indigenous Friendship Centre. Their funding has allowed us to expand our workshops to now include 3 locations–Gravenhurst, Ryde, and Huntsville.

Addressing food security issues as well as providing activities to help with emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being of community members.

Proud Supporter

Elexicon Energy Corporate Gift 2022

Elexicon Energy came alongside as a supporter of our Healthy Indigenous Families programming this year. This funding will prove vital in:

  • setting up this website
  • securing Early Childhood and Kindergarten resources
  • Let’s Eat–Waasabinaa program
  • Blue Bear–I Belong youth programming
  • 4 Directions Parenting

All of these services fall under our Healthy Indigenous Families services. First to improve communication with the community (website). Then to continue current programs, and to expand on them as well. Let’s make 2023 the year that more area Indigenous families can find that safe place of healing and cultural connection.

What is our Healthy Indigenous Families programming? It looks at the entire family from pregnancy to our seniors. We all make up parts of a family, and just like the medicine wheel if any part is out of balance, the entire wheel, or family in this case is out of balance.

Pop’s Sneakers–2022

This newly opened shop in Bracebridge on September 30, took proceeds from their day’s sales and donated it to the Blue Bear-I Belong Youth Programs at the Muskoka Indigenous Friendship Centre.

Allies, putting ACTION into their reconciliation efforts.

And with a local public school asking for more interaction, this funding will be put to very good use.

The Gift of a Pow Wow Drum–2023

Recently, long time allies of the Muskoka Indigenous Friends Cultural Centre gifted us with a Pow Wow Drum. And this particular drum holds deep personal connection to our members as well.

It had been custom ordered years ago by a local author, David Franks (30 Days in Attawapiskat). Members of the group had the privilege to meet David and he invited the men to play along with him on his Pow Wow drum.

Sadly though, David passed away in December, 2021.

But with grief comes healing, and that beloved drum of his is now in our midst and some of those men, new additions, and even boys from the local public school are now making that drum sing again.

David will always be with us, and thank you to the donors of this drum, who truly are allies and knew the great importance to our community.

Private Citizens

Ordinary people supporting the self-directed local urban Indigenous community initiatives.

Cash donations that have helped with:

  • specific supports for members
  • food supports
  • increased access to culturally relevant materials and supplies

we say chi miigewetch, maarsii, nia:wen, thank you.

Chi miigwetch, maarsii, nia:wen, thank you

to everyone. Whether you have given privately as a local citizen, as a small business, or even a corporation–your financial gifts are helping to bring healing to the local urban Indigenous community. Helping us to fulfill our mandate of helping to improve the quality of life for First Nations, Metis, and Inuit, Status or Non-Status who reside in the District Municipality of Muskoka.