
Diane Baldwin

Phone: 705-644-7020
My name is Diane Baldwin I am originally from Mattawa. I moved to Bracebridge at the age of thirteen. I knew at a very young age that I was aboriginal, however it was never discussed. I didn't "look" aboriginal. As I got older I became curious of my heritage and my lineage. My beliefs as a Metis woman became more important to me as I got older. I attended many Pow Wows and was in awe of the music, the amazing energy, the ceremonies, the people and the food. I felt like I was home. From that period onward I have been seeking other indigenous people to connect with, to learn from and to learn more about myself and my culture. I have been blessed, honoured and privileged to hold a position on the MIFC Board as a very progressive, active and vocal board member. There is so much more to learn. Miigwech