Sweetgrass Plant


IN STOCK now. Plants are for pickup about mid-May. The Sweetgrass comes in 6 inch pots and are ready to plant. You must be able to pick your plants up in Gravenhurst as they will not be shipped to you.

With your order today you can download the instructions on how to look after your sweetgrass.

MIFC is committed to helping as many of our community members as possible have the plants needed for their own healing medicine gardens.

7 in stock



IN STOCK now. Plants are ready for pickup. The Sweetgrass comes in 6 inch pots and are ready to plant. You must be able to pick your plants up in Gravenhurst as they will not be shipped to you.

With your order today you can download the instructions on how to look after your sweetgrass.

Sweetgrass is a perennial and grows best through its root system. Although you can harvest the seeds after the Sweetgrass flowers in the spring–it can be challenging to grow from seeds. Can be done–but is challenging. The best way to multiply your Sweetgrass is to give it generous space to grow and multiply naturally through the roots.

It enjoys moist soil as well. That is why this native plant to Muskoka can be found in its natural habitat close to areas of water.